Monday, October 23, 2017

Fish Lake Trail, Mile post 2-3 10/23

Only time for a super shot jaunt but couldn't not go on a day like today. Fishlake trail runs along and crosses the old Marshall Road for the first few miles so can be accessed in a number of places off of it. Went in on the north crossover, which is just a tiny bit south of milepost 2, went south to milepost 3 and then back and across to milepost 2. This area is super nice for wildlife sightings. Quite a few bikers on the trail today.


  1. That's a good shot of the coyote. He looks a little scruffy but I bet his winter coat is growing in.

  2. He was pretty scruffy looking. Kept turning around and asking me why I was talking to him???


Manito Park spring

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