Sunday, August 25, 2019

Spangle MBR (Mechanical Bull Riders) Mechanical Bull World Championship, THE EVENT

Please see the post just before this one to see all the bull riders in action. What a super fun event put on by MBR (Mechanical Bull Riders, LLC) at the Harvester Restaurant in Spangle, Washington! Jam packed with the excitement of watching folks pit themselves against the mechanical bull, neighbors and new comers alike enjoying each others company, good food and drink, a beautiful rendition of the national anthem was song, just a great time.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Spangle MBR Mechanical Bull World Championship August 24, 2019 THE RIDERS

Went to Spangle, Washington today to attend the MBR (Mechanical Bull Rider's) World Championship held at the Harvester Restaurant. What a wonderful fun day of visiting, eating, drinking and of course Mechanical Bull riding. The people running the competition are super folks and put on a good show. There were about 21 riders that signed up to compete and in the end a woman ran away with it! Laura Moore was the overall winner. I'm going to do a couple of postings on this event because there were so many fun folks and neat things to see. The first posting is going to be focused on the riders. The second posting will be all the other folks.

Mission Park, Gonzaga Centennial Trail loop

Went walkin the Centennial Trail Mission Park around Gonzaga and back. Perfect weather for a jaunt. The reflections in the river were beautiful as always. Walked across the Iron Bridge for the first time, it takes you to the across the river near Trent. Gonzaga was abuzz with new students and parents getting ready for the new school year. A squirrel in the park was getting a jump on hiding his nuts for the winter.

Manito Park spring

 What a glorious space this Manito Park is! Every season is gorgeous and completely different and to be experienced! I went walking in Manit...