Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Liberty Lake Loop trail

 Wether you go the over 8 miles all the way around the loop or up to the Cedar forest and back this walk always is a thrill to all the senses. I go clock wise as it is easier to do the up, up, up with the tinkling stream cheering you on and I like to come up to the falls from this direction. If you decide to push on after the Cedar forest you cross a bridge and encounter the dreaded switch back, steep and seemingly endless you are treated with a view of the distant Liberty Lake as you get toward the top. After he switchback you continue up and along narrow paths on the edge of the mountain. Continue on and you reach Liberty Creek Falls. The falls can be roaring and full of water in the early spring but this time of year there isn't much water and with as hot and dry as it's been even less. Up, up, up some more, steep and windy finally you come to an offshoot path that takes you to the Hughes Cabin. This is more like a metal shed but is open to take shelter in if you need a rest. Now starts the other end going this way it is either down hill or mostly level and the trail is wide and well used. As you reach the bottom section it is once again steep(but this time goin downhill), rutted and narrow. I have tried this in the winter and I say DON"T it is pretty much impossible to go up in the ice and snow. The liberty lake trail is best attempted in late spring to fall. In the early spring it can get very muddy and again hard to navigate. As an added bonus there is a parking area for horsetrailers a little further down the road from the main park entrance. This is great for horseback riding, a challenging course for mountain bikers and hikers alike. Dogs are allowed with their owners on a leash.

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