Wednesday, November 8, 2023

James T Slavin Conservation area

 I always love walking this beautiful conservation area. There are really nice trails that surround the lake. The one thing I will say is that you really can't get around the north side of the lake to make a loop around the lake as you run into a cattail and wet patch. When its dry and the water is low you can make it around but prepare to get your feet wet if the water is up. The trail does loop at the north end but up into the forest and back around. The last few times I had gone all the waterbirds were gone as it has been to wet and dry. This time when I went they were back in force. A large flock of Canadian Geese went over honking wildly and landed at the end. 6-8 swans were preening and enjoying the fresh water from the recent rain. Hoards of smaller ducks and other waterbirds were enjoying the fresh water. #wetland #swans #waterbirds #jamestslavinconservationare #conservationarea #spokane

Manito Park spring

 What a glorious space this Manito Park is! Every season is gorgeous and completely different and to be experienced! I went walking in Manit...