Sunday, October 15, 2017

Centennial Trail Argonne/Maringo trailhead 10/15

WOW! Couldn't have asked for better fall weather adn it brought the 2 legged and their 4 legged friends out in mass. There were Bikers, walkers,runners, people fishing and Kayaking in the river. A glorious day had by all. This stretch  from the trailhead to  going east to the 11 mile marker at Maribeau trailhead off of Pines is around 2 1/2-2 3/4 miles so 5-5 1/2 round trip.


  1. What a gorgeous fall picture. These four legged friends look like they’re enjoying their time outdoors as well.

    1. Their parents were so proud of their brood! All having a good time!


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